Cynthia Hogue on Poets Cafe
The following interview of Cynthia Hogue by Lois P. Jones originally aired on KPFK Los Angeles (reproduced with permission).
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Biographical Information—Cynthia Hogue
Cynthia Hogue has published 14 books and chapbooks, including Revenance (2014), Or Consequence (2010), and The Incognito Body (2006), all with Red Hen Press, and the co-translated Fortino Sámano (The Overflowing of the Poem), by Virginie Lalucq and Jean-Luc Nancy (Omnidawn 2012), winner of the 2013 Harold Morton Landon Translation Award from the Academy of American Poets. She is a 2015 NEA Fellow in Translation, and teaches in the MFA program at Arizona State University.
Elegy with Boulder
No trees. At dusk, seven deer caught in silhouette. Beside them, the boulder that was my father, large as a town, discrete, a hillock, grass-mired, granite shoved through basalt. I stood in its shadow, nearing it then stopping. My hands felt along a surface I couldn’t see, as if glass barred me from touching it. Above me, a vaulting midnight space struck with feathers of clouds. They’d dynamited the boulder the week before. Nothing moved it. Equipment broke. Eventually, they built the road around the boulder. I thought I’d find a door if I tarried. My hands moved in circles wider and wider seeking sides like walls in a room. No sides or entrance. Certainly, no way.
Excerpt from Revenance © Cynthia Hogue (2014). “Elegy with Boulder” was first published in “A Poetry Congeries,” curated by John Hoppenthaler for Connotation Press: An Online Artifact (June 2013). Reprinted with permission.