Richard Gilbert on Poets Cafe
The following interview of Richard Gilbert by Lois P. Jones originally aired on KPFK Los Angeles (reproduced with permission).
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Biographical Information—Richard Gilbert
Education. While at Naropa University (Boulder, Colorado) studied and hung out with beat poets Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, Peter Orlovsky, Gary Snyder, and others; became a Tibetan Buddhist meditator. Performed in and produced conceptual art multidisciplinary presentations as poet, videographer, and electric guitarist. Undergraduate thesis on Japanese classical haiku, BA in Poetics and Expressive Arts, 1982. Completed Tibetan Buddhist seminary training in 1984, and returned to Naropa for an MA in Contemplative Psychology, graduated 1986. Worked as a clinical adult outpatient psychotherapist at Boulder Community Mental Health Center. In 1990, completed a Ph.D. at The Union Institute & University, in Poetics and Depth Psychology, studying Archetypal Psychology with James Hillman. Moved to Kumamoto, Japan, in 1997, teaching at university and publishing academic articles on Japanese and English-language haiku, while designing EFL educational software. Received tenure as an Associate Professor of British and American Literature, Faculty of Letters, Kumamoto University in 2002.
Activities. Co-judge of the Kusamakura International Haiku Competition, Kumamoto, Japan (2003-present). Founder and Director of the Kon Nichi Haiku Translation Group, Kumamoto University (2002-present). Founding Associate Member of The Haiku Foundation (thehaikufoundation.org). In March 2008, publication of Poems of Consciousness: Contemporary Japanese & English-language Haiku in Cross-cultural Perspective (Red Moon Press, 2008, 306 pp.) was awarded the HSA 2009 Mildred Kanterman Award for Haiku Criticism and Theory. In mixed media publication, the gendaihaiku.com website presents subtitled video interviews with notable gendaihaiku (modern Japanese haiku) poets, biographical information and haiku translations. In 2011, publication of Ikimonofûei: Poetic Composition on Living Things (a talk by Kaneko Tohta, with commentary and essays. Gilbert, et al, Red Moon Press, 92 pp.), and The Future of Haiku, an Interview with Kaneko Tohta (with commentary and essays. Gilbert, et al, Red Moon Press, 138 pp.). In 2012, publication of Selected Haiku of Kaneko Tohta, Part 1, 1937-1960 (with commentary, essays and chronology. Gilbert, et al, Red Moon Press, 256 pp.), and Selected Haiku of Kaneko Tohta, Part 2, 1961-2012 (with commentary, chronology and encyclopedic glossary. Gilbert, et al, Red Moon Press, 250 pp.). The two 2012 Selected Haiku of Kaneko Tohta volumes were awarded The Haiku Foundation 2012 Touchstone Distinguished Book Award. In August 2013, publication of The Disjunctive Dragonfly: A New Theory of English-language Haiku (R. Gilbert, Red Moon Press, 132 pp.): A revised and expanded update of the decade-old essay, which first appeared (in North America) in Modern Haiku Journal 35:2 (2004). The book contains 275 haiku by 185 authors, and several new sections, including a comparative discussion of strong and weak styles of disjunction in excellent haiku, and a presentation of seven newly coined “strong reader-resistance” disjunctive categories. (Full bio. available: http://thehaikufoundation.org/poet-details/?IDclient=159)
15 Haiku
as an and you and you and you alone in the sea
Haiku in English, Kacian et al, New York: Norton, 2013, p.240
a drowning man
pulled into violet worlds
grasping hydrangea
Haiku in English, Kacian et al, New York: Norton, 2013, p.240
something of a scar
of ocean left
rolling cigarettes
is/let Haiku Journal, 2015 (March 11)
it must be how
violence in the world
is/let Haiku Journal, 2015 (Feb 8)
semite war
unharmed olives — the desert
tastes your skin
is/let Haiku Journal, 2014 (Dec 30)
i leave the earth
that way
Moongarlic, Issue 3, 2014, p.73
be mine –
alive for one
more war
is/let Haiku Journal, 2014, Dec. 30
moon resins —
sex and god and teeth
and fingernails
Moongarlic, Issue 3, 2014
what’s left
of the party
Moongarlic issue 3, 2014
licking the cleft sweet aspirin after rain
Roadrunner Haiku Journal 13:2 (2013)
what became deeper of you i let in
Roadrunner Haiku Journal 12:3 (2012)
moon cradled you recall the voice of another I might be the distance
Roadrunner Haiku Journal 11:2 (2012)
When you dream the inside
smoke between cypress trees
Roadrunner Haiku Journal 10:1 (2010)
Stay with me
with the light out
and water glass
Roadrunner Haiku Journal 10:1 (2010)
hungover — ignoble
Jerusalem — cactus
pissing — the cats
Roadrunner Haiku Journal 8:2 (2008)