Poets Cafe Interview with Timothy Green (full)
I assumed KPFK would rather have me send listeners to their website, so I only posted a clip from this last week. Quite the contrary, host Lois P. Jones asked if I’d post the whole thing, so it has a permanent home. I just posted the first segment, with Peggy Dobreer. Here’s the second, with me — about 25 minutes long. I read “Cooking Dinner,” “Playing Our Part,” “After Hopper,” “Impressionism,” and “The Body.” Talk about fractals, the theme of my book, Rattle as a rogue journal, and the importance of poetry to society.
Nighthawks, 1942
She says that everything is after Hopper.
That posh hotel—you looked about to slap her,
but never did. Sometimes she’d wait at night
in her blue robe, face folded like the note
you didn’t leave crumpled in a coat pocket.
Sometimes she’d stand in broad daylight, naked
before an open window, flesh so pale
and round and full it seemed about to pull
a tide of ruttish men up from the street.
But mostly it’s the red dress. The cut straight,
sleeveless, loose. And her mouth is only lipstick.
She says you never even see her talk,
but just about to talk, about to smile.
She says that every moment is a jail;
this diner is her prison of endless light,
the ceaseless hour always getting late—
yet no one moves. Her cigarette remains
unlit. The busboy doesn’t lift his hands.
You could write a thousand lines, she says,
on all the things she never does or has.
How she seems so sad she might have cried.
How you only see her almost satisfied.
—from American Fractal
first published in The Pedestal Magazine
It was an uplifting joyful experience to listen to the interview of Tim Green by Lois P. Jones.
Tim’s poetry gives both excitement and tranquility to the mind.
With her sensitive questions Lois leads the poet to open his or her mind and heart.
Loved the poems and the interview. I read Rattle years ago and am happy to see it’s thriving.